BT Faiz-e-Rabbani

The Pedigree

Sinan El Shahnawaz VI HH Sinan el Shah HH Halim Bay
Ansata Bint Alima
*Heritage Fawziyah *Talal
*Heritage Fayrouz
SinfulAndToxic VI Sinful And Deadly Mansour Albadeia
Nadrat Albadeia
Sahra Aasifa VI Thee Fortunata
Salima Zaphina VI

The Progeny

This horse has not yet been bred.

Additional Info

Purchased from Noel of Blackthorn Hills Farm

BT Faiz-e-Rabbani is quickly becoming one of our favorite junior Egyptian studs. A striking dark grey with a tiny star, Faiz has the classic Arab look, with a perfectly dished face and a sleek neck, he's extremely well bred, and has come a long way in the time we've had him.

The Show Horse

The Accolades

This horse has either not yet been shown or we are currently working on updating our results table.